I've never once attempted to hide the fact that I sincerely believe with all my heart and soul that George W. Bush is a diamond encrusted, 24 karat gold ignoramus. There aren't enough trees left standing on this earth to supply enough paper to document all the stupid remarks he's made and a list of all the even stupider acts he's committed. At present, I'm shaking my head at his spokeswoman's reaction to a proposal that the American people start making some genuine sacrifices by ponying up some cash to pay for the Iraq War. Instead of seriously debating the merits of this proposal, she preferred to crack some lame jokes about it instead. The White House knows only how to flush money down the toilet. When the bills come in at the end of each month, they just get filed away with all the other negatives of this administration. The news must be positive, or it doesn't exist. Deceit often trumps truth and stupid people don't address problems, they ignore them.
The Bush administration has based their legacy on seeking new ways to use smoke and mirrors to craft everything in a positive light. If you really want to know the truth, listen to everything Bush, Cheney, and their band of drooling flunkies say, and spin it 180 degrees. When George Bush took office in January of 2001, he inherited three consecutive years of debt reduction under the Clinton administration. This was the first time the US Government ran three consecutive years of budget surpluses since the post World War II boom years from 1947 through 1949. $355 billion had been reduced from the National Debt between 1998 and 2000. Clinton said, "the $216 billion surplus in 2000 alone, represented the largest debt pay-down in American history," he also noted "that the federal government's long-term debt is now $2.4 trillion lower than projected to be when he first took office in 1993".
So what does Bush do immediately after moving his junk into the oval office in 2001? He drastically cuts taxes for the wealthiest Americans and dramatically raises the military budget. Bush basically followed the Ronald Reagan philosophy of Supply Side Economics that worked so abysmally in the 1980's. Reagan's first deficit was $128 billion. His second deficit soared to $208 billion. By the time the "Reagan Revolution" ended, his successor, George H.W. Bush was running an annual deficit of $290 billion per year. Yearly deficits, of course, add up to national debt. When Reagan took office, the national debt stood at $994 billion. When Bush left office, it had reached $4.3 trillion. In other words, the national debt had taken 200 years to reach $1 trillion. Reagan's Supply Side experiment quadrupled it in the next 12 years. So naturally Bush would use this plan as the model for his economic success strategy. In all fairness, Bush himself acknowledged he knows nothing of economics, so he obviously felt compelled to prove it. I remember a quote from a man a "skinch" brighter than George W. Bush, named Albert Einstein. Mr Einstein defined INSANITY as repeating the exact same act over and over, but expecting different results each time.
So now having firmly established George W. Bush as the Adam Smith of his generation, Bush proves his mettle as a pathological liar by continually claiming he will balance the budget by 2012. I think there's a much better chance of him mastering the art of eating a pretzel and retaining consciousness than that happening. The Iraq War is draining more than $10 billion per month from the U.S. Treasury. The National Debt of over $9 trillion, rises by more than $10 billion per week and NOTHING on the horizon seems on the verge of altering either one of those facts. Nobody can spend money like a drunken sailor 365 days a year forever, not even a drunken president. It's been suggested more people learn to speak Arabic due to the inability we have in infiltrating terror cells or intelligence gathering. I think we need to learn Japanese and Chinese dialects as well, because one day those two countries (who do practice economic sanity) will own much more of this country than you probably realize.
On Tuesday of this week, three leading democratic members of Congress proposed a "surtax" to support this war monetarily, as well as vocally. House Appropriations Committee Chairman Dave Obey, D-Wisconsin, Rep. Jack Murtha, D-Pennsylvania, and Jim McGovern, D-Massachusetts called for low and middle-income taxpayers to add 2 percent to their tax bill, while higher-income taxpayers would add 12 to 15 percent to help fund the cost of the war. So far Americans have been told the only sacrifices that are required of them are to go shopping. As any world class "shop til your drop" veteran will tell you, shopping by itself doesn't PAY the bills. Well this proposal was not met positively by anybody. The democratic leadership in the House rejected it, the majority of its members rejected it and of course the Cheerleader-in-Chief rejected it. The three congressmen seem to have forgotten that in George Bush's America, we just send out money, not take it in. We all go into a fervor arguing who's the biggest patriot and supporter of OUR troops. Yet we refuse to have a military draft to give our troops a little break rather than a fourth tour of duty. We refuse to financially pitch in for the necessary equipment to be provided, so more soldiers can return home on their feet, instead of in a flag draped coffin far from public view.
Too many Americans practice the art of empty talk. We talk about how we're the greatest country in the world. We talk about how patriotic we are, how tough we are, how beloved all over the world we are and how kick-ass we are. We talk, talk, talk and then talk some more. Why do we become such drama queens when MoveOn.Org expresses an opinion in a newspaper or obese, cowardly, right wing drug addicts open their mouths and spew nothing worth repeating? Why don't we have the same outrage that the same 160,000 soldiers fight for their lives in Iraq while the rest of us fight for lead painted bargains at Walmart? Now our gutless leaders are sending out feelers about attacking Iran. In the shopping vernacular, is there some sort of bargain available if you fight two Muslim countries that have four letters beginning with IRA, as opposed to just ONE? I have to believe if you can pay out $10 billion a month for one war, the second war should be half price. I say we follow President Bush's advice and start shopping. We'll get the best deal and start bombing as soon as the ink on the sales contract has dried. We don't have money, who cares? We don't have enough soldiers, who cares? We're Americans, we don't need economic or military plans, we just need a good bargain.........
The Bush administration has based their legacy on seeking new ways to use smoke and mirrors to craft everything in a positive light. If you really want to know the truth, listen to everything Bush, Cheney, and their band of drooling flunkies say, and spin it 180 degrees. When George Bush took office in January of 2001, he inherited three consecutive years of debt reduction under the Clinton administration. This was the first time the US Government ran three consecutive years of budget surpluses since the post World War II boom years from 1947 through 1949. $355 billion had been reduced from the National Debt between 1998 and 2000. Clinton said, "the $216 billion surplus in 2000 alone, represented the largest debt pay-down in American history," he also noted "that the federal government's long-term debt is now $2.4 trillion lower than projected to be when he first took office in 1993".
So what does Bush do immediately after moving his junk into the oval office in 2001? He drastically cuts taxes for the wealthiest Americans and dramatically raises the military budget. Bush basically followed the Ronald Reagan philosophy of Supply Side Economics that worked so abysmally in the 1980's. Reagan's first deficit was $128 billion. His second deficit soared to $208 billion. By the time the "Reagan Revolution" ended, his successor, George H.W. Bush was running an annual deficit of $290 billion per year. Yearly deficits, of course, add up to national debt. When Reagan took office, the national debt stood at $994 billion. When Bush left office, it had reached $4.3 trillion. In other words, the national debt had taken 200 years to reach $1 trillion. Reagan's Supply Side experiment quadrupled it in the next 12 years. So naturally Bush would use this plan as the model for his economic success strategy. In all fairness, Bush himself acknowledged he knows nothing of economics, so he obviously felt compelled to prove it. I remember a quote from a man a "skinch" brighter than George W. Bush, named Albert Einstein. Mr Einstein defined INSANITY as repeating the exact same act over and over, but expecting different results each time.
So now having firmly established George W. Bush as the Adam Smith of his generation, Bush proves his mettle as a pathological liar by continually claiming he will balance the budget by 2012. I think there's a much better chance of him mastering the art of eating a pretzel and retaining consciousness than that happening. The Iraq War is draining more than $10 billion per month from the U.S. Treasury. The National Debt of over $9 trillion, rises by more than $10 billion per week and NOTHING on the horizon seems on the verge of altering either one of those facts. Nobody can spend money like a drunken sailor 365 days a year forever, not even a drunken president. It's been suggested more people learn to speak Arabic due to the inability we have in infiltrating terror cells or intelligence gathering. I think we need to learn Japanese and Chinese dialects as well, because one day those two countries (who do practice economic sanity) will own much more of this country than you probably realize.
On Tuesday of this week, three leading democratic members of Congress proposed a "surtax" to support this war monetarily, as well as vocally. House Appropriations Committee Chairman Dave Obey, D-Wisconsin, Rep. Jack Murtha, D-Pennsylvania, and Jim McGovern, D-Massachusetts called for low and middle-income taxpayers to add 2 percent to their tax bill, while higher-income taxpayers would add 12 to 15 percent to help fund the cost of the war. So far Americans have been told the only sacrifices that are required of them are to go shopping. As any world class "shop til your drop" veteran will tell you, shopping by itself doesn't PAY the bills. Well this proposal was not met positively by anybody. The democratic leadership in the House rejected it, the majority of its members rejected it and of course the Cheerleader-in-Chief rejected it. The three congressmen seem to have forgotten that in George Bush's America, we just send out money, not take it in. We all go into a fervor arguing who's the biggest patriot and supporter of OUR troops. Yet we refuse to have a military draft to give our troops a little break rather than a fourth tour of duty. We refuse to financially pitch in for the necessary equipment to be provided, so more soldiers can return home on their feet, instead of in a flag draped coffin far from public view.
Too many Americans practice the art of empty talk. We talk about how we're the greatest country in the world. We talk about how patriotic we are, how tough we are, how beloved all over the world we are and how kick-ass we are. We talk, talk, talk and then talk some more. Why do we become such drama queens when MoveOn.Org expresses an opinion in a newspaper or obese, cowardly, right wing drug addicts open their mouths and spew nothing worth repeating? Why don't we have the same outrage that the same 160,000 soldiers fight for their lives in Iraq while the rest of us fight for lead painted bargains at Walmart? Now our gutless leaders are sending out feelers about attacking Iran. In the shopping vernacular, is there some sort of bargain available if you fight two Muslim countries that have four letters beginning with IRA, as opposed to just ONE? I have to believe if you can pay out $10 billion a month for one war, the second war should be half price. I say we follow President Bush's advice and start shopping. We'll get the best deal and start bombing as soon as the ink on the sales contract has dried. We don't have money, who cares? We don't have enough soldiers, who cares? We're Americans, we don't need economic or military plans, we just need a good bargain.........
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