To hear some highly moral, right wing, (anti-everybody who's not exactly like they are) spokesperson tell it, GLOBAL WARMING is the figment of the imagination of everybody who's smarter than they are. In other words, everybody. Everything they don't understand or accept is passed off as God's will, which enables them to continue down the path of total ignorance. It seems their primary dismissal of this concept is the fact that it is science based and eloquently explained by former Vice President and recent Nobel Peace Prize recipient, Al Gore. I can't fathom why these people hate Mr. Gore so much. I have to assume it's because he's bright and he doesn't champion the refusal of a woman's right to determine whether or not she wishes to carry a baby to term. It's so inconceivable, yet so true how these Christian conservatives care so deeply for an unborn fetus until the exact instant of birth, then immediately from that moment forward they fervently will do anything and everything to deny any possible medical and financial needs these children may require in order to live. I figuratively thank God every day that I'm not one of these misguided products of mythical faith.
In words and pictures everybody can agree upon, portions of Southern California appear to be in the middle of Hell. Wildfires being driven by hurricane force winds are destroying everything in their path. Houses and nature reduced to glowing embers and ashes. Wildfires are a major environmental hazard that have historically cost California more than $800 million each year and contribute to “bad air days” throughout the state. The more global warming pollution that is emitted into the atmosphere, the more wildfires Californians can expect to see. If average statewide temperatures rise to the MEDIUM warming range, the risk of major wildfires in California is expected to increase approximately 20% by the middle of the 21st century and an incredible 50% by the end of the century. That is almost twice the wildfire increase expected if temperatures are able to be kept in the lower as opposed to medium warming range. A matter of just a few degrees.
It's not just increased temperatures that will dramatically increase these destructive wildfires, but the corresponding decrease in precipitation as well. Because of this, future wildfire risk throughout the state will not be uniform. An example of this is a hotter, drier climate could very well increase the flammability of vegetation in Northern California and promote up to a 90% increase in large wildfires by the end of this century. Future generations will be left to pay for the Iraq War, but at this rate, they will have to foot the bill for these wildfires as well. Even if precipitation remains constant, but temperatures continue to warm, this hotter, wetter climate would also lead to an increase in wildfires in the northern part of the state, but to the lesser extent of 40% by the end of the century.
Wildfire smoke produces small soot particles, which can cause or aggravate cardiovascular and respiratory illness and lead to premature death. For example, the wildfires that burned nearly three-quarters of a million acres in Southern California in 2003 caused particular matter or soot to increase four to five times above normal levels throughout the southern part of the state. Five million people were exposed to dangerous levels of air pollution for a minimum of two days while the fires burned and nearly two million additional people were exposed for five days in a row. If global warming emissions continue unabated and temperatures should rise into the higher warming range, property damage costs from wildfires alone could increase as much as 30% toward century's end. This is considered to be a conservative estimate because it's based on the California population and land use patterns remaining at today's levels, even though the state's population is projected to grow from the present 36 million to more than 55 million within the next 40 years.
Furthermore, other fire-related costs such as fire prevention and suppression, health effects of fire-related pollution, flooding, mudslides, altered recreation opportunities, and loss of timber were not included. Because most global warming emissions remain in the atmosphere for decades or centuries, the choices that are made today greatly influence the climate future generations will inherit. The technology presently exists to increase energy efficiency and significantly reduce emissions from energy and land use. People have to begin committing now to reduce the dangerous effects of global warming.
I once again ask why this tremendous country allows a relatively small band of delusional nuts to dictate the path in which this country is being led. My only theory is that these sanctimonious hypocrites take the time to vote. Because of that, this country is being denied so many amazing technological and scientific breakthroughs that could potentially improve the quality of life for every American. Diseases presently killing people of ALL faiths and beliefs could one day be dramatically reduced through stem cell research. Global warming could be contained which would allow future generations to enjoy the same quality of life this country has had access to for nearly a quarter of a millennium. Hundreds of billions of dollars could be spent on finding ways to preserve life, rather than ending life through immoral wars. I still think the majority of Americans agree with my positions than with the self appointed moral misfits who would rather terminate the future of you and your children than an unwanted fetus. I do believe in the proverb that "evil prevails only when good people stand by and do nothing." I wonder what will it take for the good people to stop standing by and start standing up. Metaphorically, perhaps this country, much like the legend of the Phoenix, would rise from the ashes and in its place, these self-righteous global whores can throw themselves in the flames and be born anew as human beings....
In words and pictures everybody can agree upon, portions of Southern California appear to be in the middle of Hell. Wildfires being driven by hurricane force winds are destroying everything in their path. Houses and nature reduced to glowing embers and ashes. Wildfires are a major environmental hazard that have historically cost California more than $800 million each year and contribute to “bad air days” throughout the state. The more global warming pollution that is emitted into the atmosphere, the more wildfires Californians can expect to see. If average statewide temperatures rise to the MEDIUM warming range, the risk of major wildfires in California is expected to increase approximately 20% by the middle of the 21st century and an incredible 50% by the end of the century. That is almost twice the wildfire increase expected if temperatures are able to be kept in the lower as opposed to medium warming range. A matter of just a few degrees.
It's not just increased temperatures that will dramatically increase these destructive wildfires, but the corresponding decrease in precipitation as well. Because of this, future wildfire risk throughout the state will not be uniform. An example of this is a hotter, drier climate could very well increase the flammability of vegetation in Northern California and promote up to a 90% increase in large wildfires by the end of this century. Future generations will be left to pay for the Iraq War, but at this rate, they will have to foot the bill for these wildfires as well. Even if precipitation remains constant, but temperatures continue to warm, this hotter, wetter climate would also lead to an increase in wildfires in the northern part of the state, but to the lesser extent of 40% by the end of the century.
Wildfire smoke produces small soot particles, which can cause or aggravate cardiovascular and respiratory illness and lead to premature death. For example, the wildfires that burned nearly three-quarters of a million acres in Southern California in 2003 caused particular matter or soot to increase four to five times above normal levels throughout the southern part of the state. Five million people were exposed to dangerous levels of air pollution for a minimum of two days while the fires burned and nearly two million additional people were exposed for five days in a row. If global warming emissions continue unabated and temperatures should rise into the higher warming range, property damage costs from wildfires alone could increase as much as 30% toward century's end. This is considered to be a conservative estimate because it's based on the California population and land use patterns remaining at today's levels, even though the state's population is projected to grow from the present 36 million to more than 55 million within the next 40 years.
Furthermore, other fire-related costs such as fire prevention and suppression, health effects of fire-related pollution, flooding, mudslides, altered recreation opportunities, and loss of timber were not included. Because most global warming emissions remain in the atmosphere for decades or centuries, the choices that are made today greatly influence the climate future generations will inherit. The technology presently exists to increase energy efficiency and significantly reduce emissions from energy and land use. People have to begin committing now to reduce the dangerous effects of global warming.
I once again ask why this tremendous country allows a relatively small band of delusional nuts to dictate the path in which this country is being led. My only theory is that these sanctimonious hypocrites take the time to vote. Because of that, this country is being denied so many amazing technological and scientific breakthroughs that could potentially improve the quality of life for every American. Diseases presently killing people of ALL faiths and beliefs could one day be dramatically reduced through stem cell research. Global warming could be contained which would allow future generations to enjoy the same quality of life this country has had access to for nearly a quarter of a millennium. Hundreds of billions of dollars could be spent on finding ways to preserve life, rather than ending life through immoral wars. I still think the majority of Americans agree with my positions than with the self appointed moral misfits who would rather terminate the future of you and your children than an unwanted fetus. I do believe in the proverb that "evil prevails only when good people stand by and do nothing." I wonder what will it take for the good people to stop standing by and start standing up. Metaphorically, perhaps this country, much like the legend of the Phoenix, would rise from the ashes and in its place, these self-righteous global whores can throw themselves in the flames and be born anew as human beings....
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