The Republican Party has made the conscious effort to allow the most ignorant and gullible Americans to decide their fate in the upcoming 2008 elections. This is not a partisan statement made by a condescending person of above average intelligence, but rather a simple statement of undeniable fact. The GOP is desperately banking their very survival on a strategy comprised of taking advantage of the American people by distorting the facts, relying upon their greed, exploiting patriotism and fear of terror by brainwashing people who grew up in a time when the nation trusted their government. It's not that this type of manipulation is beneath the Democratic Party, it's just that the Republicans are so much more accomplished in doing it. The Democrats can't even offer themselves up as a competitive opponent.
One of the deceptive ploys the republicans exploit best is patriotism. The GOP has turned the word into a childish national referendum as to why they're the party of loyal Americans. They attempt to portray democrats as enemy collaborators who conspire with our enemies to turn the USA into an opium den. Two glaring examples of this practice were demonstrated by the recent MoveOn.org add in the New York Times and a response to a question asked of Barack Obama regarding a lapel flag pin. This country is faced with some of its most serious issues since its inception and the republicans conspiratorially band together to condemn the democrats as unpatriotic, disloyal terrorists. The republicans won't lift a finger to help end the war in Iraq or, at the very least, provide much needed rest and relief for our troops, but they will stage a massive publicity campaign by feigning outrage. This was because MoveOn is associated with the democrats and chose to express their first amendment rights in a newspaper ad. The Senate Republicans and a number of spineless democrats banded together to offer a resolution to support Bush's four star puppet, General David Betray-us. Barack Obama, when questioned by a reporter why his lapel did not sport an American flag, said the following “The truth is, that right after 9/11, I had a pin. Shortly after 9/11, particularly as we’re talking about the Iraq war, that became a substitute for true patriotism, which is speaking out on issues that are of importance to our national security. I decided I won’t wear that pin on my chest; instead I’m gonna try to tell the American people what I believe what will make this country great, and hopefully that will be a testimony for my patriotism.” My God, a man with a brain! No wonder the republicans were terrified.
If you ever stop shopping long enough to follow the war up close, you're aware of how overtaxed our all volunteer armed forces are by fighting in that hell known as Iraq, or is it fighting in that Iraq known as hell. Most of these brave troops are in their second, third and even fourth tours of extended duty with precious little down time, because there simply are no additional soldiers available to relieve them. Since the Bush administration and their republican brethren in Congress refuse to help end America's participation there, perhaps the time to institute a draft to pave the way for so many of our all talk and no action republican youth to roll up their sleeves and get their hands a little dirty. Three democratic congressmen proposed that very idea last week in the House. The republicans and their enabling democratic worm colleagues quickly shot that idea down. A draft the year before an election? Hell no, we won't go along with that. Never lose focus on your priority. Stay in office at all costs. Never risk re-election even if it means doing the right thing for your country. It's a bona fide shame more congressional children are not defending their country with their courage, as opposed to their mouths.
President Bush recently sent Congress an updated bill for funding the war. He agreed to take a mere $190 billion. When you've already flushed more than a half trillion dollars into this Iraqi cesspool, less than $200 billion seems like chump change. The money is needed to support the troops we have all but abandoned there. I wonder if that money will be evenly distributed between the real soldiers and the phony ones that Rush Limbaugh brought to life last week. Rush is a republican authority after all. His qualifications include the fact he's a fat slob who contributes nothing to society. He's an admitted drug abuser. He's a despicable coward who used a pilonidal cyst on his anus to avoid military service in Vietnam. By the way, the best description of that non life threating cyst is that it was an ingrown hair follicle on his big, fat, lily white ass. Another potential republican war hero done in by a cyst, or in the case of Bush, alcoholic desertion. The republicans love freedom and patriotism as long as somebody they don't know or care about is providing it for them.
Let's not forget abortion. The great George Carlin said it better than anybody. "Once you leave the womb, conservatives don’t care about you until you reach military age. Then you’re just what they’re looking for. Conservatives want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers." The caring only manifests itself when a fetus is involved. These hypocritical evangelical republicans spend so much of their lives interfering with other peoples' lives. Nobody is a supporter of abortion, but instead, the right to choose if it's what a woman decides. Who gives a damn if YOU agree with it or not. You right wing nutbags are so much like the radical Muslim extremists, you can't even begin to fathom how psychotically delusional you truly are. The only difference is that Muslims blow up everybody. Evangelicals limit their demolition to abortion and family planning clinics. Both groups want everybody who's not exactly the way they are to go to hell, so they can live amongst clones of themselves. Clones may not have been the right word. Cloning is a scientific concept and religious zealots never allow science or anything else not found in a bible or The Koran to be discussed, let alone implemented. Individually living your life as you see fit is only a good philosophy if everybody thinks exactly as you do.
Right now, these are the cards that normal, well adjusted, educated humans have been dealt. I fear this is the world that will be passed on to future generations as well. Who will explain their planet has been environmentally raped by those who ignored the warnings? What will we tell them about our refusal to take advantages of scientific breakthroughs to prevent them from dying of the same diseases that took the lives of their great grandparents? How do we tell them their economy is saddled with massive debt, because their ancestors were too ignorant to avoid wars, and too selfish to pay for them as well? I have just one idea. Raise your kids to grow up just as stupid as some of you did, and then you can simply take advantage of them, the same way your parents took advantage of you........
One of the deceptive ploys the republicans exploit best is patriotism. The GOP has turned the word into a childish national referendum as to why they're the party of loyal Americans. They attempt to portray democrats as enemy collaborators who conspire with our enemies to turn the USA into an opium den. Two glaring examples of this practice were demonstrated by the recent MoveOn.org add in the New York Times and a response to a question asked of Barack Obama regarding a lapel flag pin. This country is faced with some of its most serious issues since its inception and the republicans conspiratorially band together to condemn the democrats as unpatriotic, disloyal terrorists. The republicans won't lift a finger to help end the war in Iraq or, at the very least, provide much needed rest and relief for our troops, but they will stage a massive publicity campaign by feigning outrage. This was because MoveOn is associated with the democrats and chose to express their first amendment rights in a newspaper ad. The Senate Republicans and a number of spineless democrats banded together to offer a resolution to support Bush's four star puppet, General David Betray-us. Barack Obama, when questioned by a reporter why his lapel did not sport an American flag, said the following “The truth is, that right after 9/11, I had a pin. Shortly after 9/11, particularly as we’re talking about the Iraq war, that became a substitute for true patriotism, which is speaking out on issues that are of importance to our national security. I decided I won’t wear that pin on my chest; instead I’m gonna try to tell the American people what I believe what will make this country great, and hopefully that will be a testimony for my patriotism.” My God, a man with a brain! No wonder the republicans were terrified.
If you ever stop shopping long enough to follow the war up close, you're aware of how overtaxed our all volunteer armed forces are by fighting in that hell known as Iraq, or is it fighting in that Iraq known as hell. Most of these brave troops are in their second, third and even fourth tours of extended duty with precious little down time, because there simply are no additional soldiers available to relieve them. Since the Bush administration and their republican brethren in Congress refuse to help end America's participation there, perhaps the time to institute a draft to pave the way for so many of our all talk and no action republican youth to roll up their sleeves and get their hands a little dirty. Three democratic congressmen proposed that very idea last week in the House. The republicans and their enabling democratic worm colleagues quickly shot that idea down. A draft the year before an election? Hell no, we won't go along with that. Never lose focus on your priority. Stay in office at all costs. Never risk re-election even if it means doing the right thing for your country. It's a bona fide shame more congressional children are not defending their country with their courage, as opposed to their mouths.
President Bush recently sent Congress an updated bill for funding the war. He agreed to take a mere $190 billion. When you've already flushed more than a half trillion dollars into this Iraqi cesspool, less than $200 billion seems like chump change. The money is needed to support the troops we have all but abandoned there. I wonder if that money will be evenly distributed between the real soldiers and the phony ones that Rush Limbaugh brought to life last week. Rush is a republican authority after all. His qualifications include the fact he's a fat slob who contributes nothing to society. He's an admitted drug abuser. He's a despicable coward who used a pilonidal cyst on his anus to avoid military service in Vietnam. By the way, the best description of that non life threating cyst is that it was an ingrown hair follicle on his big, fat, lily white ass. Another potential republican war hero done in by a cyst, or in the case of Bush, alcoholic desertion. The republicans love freedom and patriotism as long as somebody they don't know or care about is providing it for them.
Let's not forget abortion. The great George Carlin said it better than anybody. "Once you leave the womb, conservatives don’t care about you until you reach military age. Then you’re just what they’re looking for. Conservatives want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers." The caring only manifests itself when a fetus is involved. These hypocritical evangelical republicans spend so much of their lives interfering with other peoples' lives. Nobody is a supporter of abortion, but instead, the right to choose if it's what a woman decides. Who gives a damn if YOU agree with it or not. You right wing nutbags are so much like the radical Muslim extremists, you can't even begin to fathom how psychotically delusional you truly are. The only difference is that Muslims blow up everybody. Evangelicals limit their demolition to abortion and family planning clinics. Both groups want everybody who's not exactly the way they are to go to hell, so they can live amongst clones of themselves. Clones may not have been the right word. Cloning is a scientific concept and religious zealots never allow science or anything else not found in a bible or The Koran to be discussed, let alone implemented. Individually living your life as you see fit is only a good philosophy if everybody thinks exactly as you do.
Right now, these are the cards that normal, well adjusted, educated humans have been dealt. I fear this is the world that will be passed on to future generations as well. Who will explain their planet has been environmentally raped by those who ignored the warnings? What will we tell them about our refusal to take advantages of scientific breakthroughs to prevent them from dying of the same diseases that took the lives of their great grandparents? How do we tell them their economy is saddled with massive debt, because their ancestors were too ignorant to avoid wars, and too selfish to pay for them as well? I have just one idea. Raise your kids to grow up just as stupid as some of you did, and then you can simply take advantage of them, the same way your parents took advantage of you........
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