The White House has once again done what it does best. They have done great harm to the American people through the very nature of their gross incompetence. I doubt most people ever heard of SITE Intelligence Group before last week. That was exactly the way the founder of the company, 44-year old Rita Katz wanted it. SITE is a small private intelligence company that monitors Islamic terrorist groups. They managed to acquire a new Osama bin Laden video tape at approximately 10 a.m. on Sept. 7th. They immediately notified the Bush administration of this top secret acquisition. Two senior officials had to provide assurances the tape would be kept top secret. SITE received said assurances that the White House would NOT reveal they acquired it, until after al-Qaeda released it. At that point the tape was transferred to the White House.
Within 20 minutes, a range of intelligence agencies had begun downloading it from the company's Web site. By mid afternoon that day, the video and a transcript of its audio track had been leaked from within the Bush administration to their media partner, FOX News, and it was broadcast worldwide. Ms. Katz says "this premature disclosure tipped al-Qaeda to a security breach and destroyed a years-long surveillance operation that the company has used to intercept and pass along secret messages, videos and advance warnings of suicide bombings from the terrorist group's communications network." She went on to say "that techniques that took years to develop are now ineffective and worthless." Katz has garnered wide attention by publicizing statements and videos from extremist chat rooms and Web sites, while attracting controversy over the secrecy of SITE's methodology. Her firm provides intelligence about terrorist groups to a wide range of paying clients, including private firms and military and intelligence agencies from the United States and several other countries.
The precise source of the leak remains unknown. Government officials declined to be interviewed about the circumstances on the record, but they did NOT challenge Katz's version of events. They also said the incident had no effect on U.S. intelligence-gathering efforts and did not diminish the government's ability to anticipate attacks. Of course they would say that. Every time a damaging leak emanates from this White House, it is immediately trivialized and minimized as irrelevant and unimportant. I'm sure everybody recalls "outed" CIA agent, Valerie Plame. The White House investigates and disciplines traitors who leak state secrets the same way OJ Simpson searches for killers on golf courses. I have the distinct feeling the source(s) of this latest leak will never be revealed to the public.
Publicly, White House officials immediately downplayed the importance of SITE, claiming they also are constantly monitoring al-Qaeda's websites. But privately, some intelligence officials called the incident regrettable, and one official said SITE had been "tremendously helpful" in ferreting out al-Qaeda secrets over time. This video was the one where a dark-bearded Osama bin Laden appeared for the first time in three years. Computer logs and records reviewed by The Washington Post, support SITE's claim that it snatched the video from al-Qaeda days beforehand. Katz requested that the precise date and details of the acquisition not be made public, saying such disclosures could reveal sensitive details about the company's methods. Any way the White House wants to spin it, SITE acquired the tape before any of our sophisticated government agencies did.
SITE is an acronym for the Search for International Terrorist Entities. They were established in 2002 with the stated goal of tracking and exposing terrorist groups, according to the company's Web site. Katz, an Iraqi-born Israeli citizen whose father was executed by Saddam Hussein in the 1960s, has made the investigation of terrorist groups a passionate quest. "We were able to establish sources that provided us with unique and important information into al-Qaeda's hidden world," Katz said. Her company's income is drawn from subscriber fees and contracts. Katz said she decided to offer an advance copy of the bin Laden video to the White House without charge so government officials there could prepare for its eventual release. All she asked for, was the White House's word that they would keep this top secret information secret. Clearly Ms. Katz screwed up, she trusted this White House.
You have to ask yourself one main question. Why would the White House leak this vital information after they gave their word of honor they wouldn't? I just answered my own question. This White House has NO honor. It would be impossible to pinpoint the specific reason they reneged on their promise and released this tape. They didn't even release this vital intelligence to a news agency or anyone for that matter with intelligence. They released it to FOX News for God's sakes. The network that should be promoting itself as Fake and Unbalanced. The saddest part about this latest act of deception is that once again the American people get screwed. It's so easy to joke about what a village idiot George W. Bush is, as people laugh and tell their personal favorite stupid utterance by the Dolt-in-Chief. Bush reminds me of the guy who gets drunk almost every night and then gets behind the wheel of his car to drive home. He's done it hundreds of times without a scratch. But one night his blind, stupid luck will run out. He'll be fine, but the innocent victims of his despicable acts won't be. Bush needs to just spend the remainder of his term drunk. But first take his microscopic brain, his honor, his integrity and his authority and store them in a toilet. Bush can visit them whenever it's time for him to take a leak, on himself..........
Within 20 minutes, a range of intelligence agencies had begun downloading it from the company's Web site. By mid afternoon that day, the video and a transcript of its audio track had been leaked from within the Bush administration to their media partner, FOX News, and it was broadcast worldwide. Ms. Katz says "this premature disclosure tipped al-Qaeda to a security breach and destroyed a years-long surveillance operation that the company has used to intercept and pass along secret messages, videos and advance warnings of suicide bombings from the terrorist group's communications network." She went on to say "that techniques that took years to develop are now ineffective and worthless." Katz has garnered wide attention by publicizing statements and videos from extremist chat rooms and Web sites, while attracting controversy over the secrecy of SITE's methodology. Her firm provides intelligence about terrorist groups to a wide range of paying clients, including private firms and military and intelligence agencies from the United States and several other countries.
The precise source of the leak remains unknown. Government officials declined to be interviewed about the circumstances on the record, but they did NOT challenge Katz's version of events. They also said the incident had no effect on U.S. intelligence-gathering efforts and did not diminish the government's ability to anticipate attacks. Of course they would say that. Every time a damaging leak emanates from this White House, it is immediately trivialized and minimized as irrelevant and unimportant. I'm sure everybody recalls "outed" CIA agent, Valerie Plame. The White House investigates and disciplines traitors who leak state secrets the same way OJ Simpson searches for killers on golf courses. I have the distinct feeling the source(s) of this latest leak will never be revealed to the public.
Publicly, White House officials immediately downplayed the importance of SITE, claiming they also are constantly monitoring al-Qaeda's websites. But privately, some intelligence officials called the incident regrettable, and one official said SITE had been "tremendously helpful" in ferreting out al-Qaeda secrets over time. This video was the one where a dark-bearded Osama bin Laden appeared for the first time in three years. Computer logs and records reviewed by The Washington Post, support SITE's claim that it snatched the video from al-Qaeda days beforehand. Katz requested that the precise date and details of the acquisition not be made public, saying such disclosures could reveal sensitive details about the company's methods. Any way the White House wants to spin it, SITE acquired the tape before any of our sophisticated government agencies did.
SITE is an acronym for the Search for International Terrorist Entities. They were established in 2002 with the stated goal of tracking and exposing terrorist groups, according to the company's Web site. Katz, an Iraqi-born Israeli citizen whose father was executed by Saddam Hussein in the 1960s, has made the investigation of terrorist groups a passionate quest. "We were able to establish sources that provided us with unique and important information into al-Qaeda's hidden world," Katz said. Her company's income is drawn from subscriber fees and contracts. Katz said she decided to offer an advance copy of the bin Laden video to the White House without charge so government officials there could prepare for its eventual release. All she asked for, was the White House's word that they would keep this top secret information secret. Clearly Ms. Katz screwed up, she trusted this White House.
You have to ask yourself one main question. Why would the White House leak this vital information after they gave their word of honor they wouldn't? I just answered my own question. This White House has NO honor. It would be impossible to pinpoint the specific reason they reneged on their promise and released this tape. They didn't even release this vital intelligence to a news agency or anyone for that matter with intelligence. They released it to FOX News for God's sakes. The network that should be promoting itself as Fake and Unbalanced. The saddest part about this latest act of deception is that once again the American people get screwed. It's so easy to joke about what a village idiot George W. Bush is, as people laugh and tell their personal favorite stupid utterance by the Dolt-in-Chief. Bush reminds me of the guy who gets drunk almost every night and then gets behind the wheel of his car to drive home. He's done it hundreds of times without a scratch. But one night his blind, stupid luck will run out. He'll be fine, but the innocent victims of his despicable acts won't be. Bush needs to just spend the remainder of his term drunk. But first take his microscopic brain, his honor, his integrity and his authority and store them in a toilet. Bush can visit them whenever it's time for him to take a leak, on himself..........
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