Is there NO DEPTH that Rudy Giuliani won't sink to when it comes to exploiting our National Tragedy known simply as 9/11? The man initially dubbed America's Mayor has so thoroughly taken advantage of the fact he happened to be the Mayor of New York City on that fateful day, that his W-2 Form should list his profession as "Terrorism Exploiter". "HAVE YOU NO DECENCY, SIR? AT LONG LAST, HAVE YOU LEFT NO SENSE OF DECENCY?" Those two famous simplistically eloquent questions were first asked on June 9, 1954 by chief counsel of the US Army, Joseph Welch, to another disgraceful republican, exploitative politician, named Joseph McCarthy during the infamous Army-McCarthy Hearings, investigating communist activities in the United States. Sadly, those very questions seem as poignant today as the day they were first posed more than half a century ago.
When America went to bed on Monday night, September 10, 2001, the thrice married, 57 year old Giuliani was basically little more than New York City's lame duck mayor. That would all change in a matter of hours. Two American Airline planes would soon slam into each of the World Trade Center Towers and life as we knew it in the United States would be forever altered. As the towers were ablaze in flame along with smoke and debris filling the air and ground, Mayor Rudy Giuliani was on the scene and to his credit, was providing some sense of calm leadership in the face of chaos. It was somewhat comforting to know that not everybody in a leadership position was cowering in a Nebraska hole on September 11th. Giuliani was regarded as a hero but in the coming days, we would be reminded that first impressions were not always lasting impressions.
In the days, weeks and months following the attacks that would leave nearly 3,000 innocent people dead, news slowly began seeping out that would accurately transform myth into reality. As Giuliani was dominating the airwaves, showing up on a daily basis at as many as five funerals and multiple press conferences, certain irrefutable facts slowly began to emerge. In late September Mr. Giuliani summoned Mark Green, who was running in the Democratic primary for mayor of New York, to his command post. Mr. Giuliani, as Mr. Green recalled, was quite blunt when he stated he wanted to remain in office for an additional three months beyond his term expiration. Giuliani claimed he had a great team, he could lobby Washington. "I’m being reasonable", he cautioned; "my supporters want me to run for a new term". Apparently Giuliani forgot that where dictatorships may allow for rulers to make up their own laws as they go along, democracies tend to frown upon it.
Lest we forget, on February 26, 1993, The World Trade Center was the scene for a previous terrorist attack. A car bomb was detonated in an underground parking garage beneath Tower One. The plan called for the 1,500 pound bomb to knock that tower off its very foundation into Tower Two, causing both to collapse to the ground. The goal of the terrorists was to kill as many as 250,000 people. Fortuitously, that plan failed, but six people did die and over 1,000 people were injured as a result. The Islamic extremists were caught and vowed others would try to successfully accomplish this psychotic mission in the future. In spite of this chilling warning and attempts by city officials to move New York City's Emergency Command Center out of the World Trade Center to a safer location, Giuliani ignored all the pleas and kept the ECC right where it was. At his campaign appearances, Giuliani also neglects to mention that despite many pleas from the NYC Fire Department, he steadfastly refused to implement a system where police officers and firefighters would be able to communicate with each other via radio. At 10:07 AM on 9/11, police helicopters hovering above the north tower just moments after the south tower collapsed, radioed the inevitability of the north tower collapsing as well. Those clear warnings that were captured on police radio tapes, were transmitted 21 minutes before the building fell. Officials were able to relay those warnings to police officers, most of whom managed to escape. Yet most firefighters never heard those warnings, or earlier orders to get out. Their radio system failed frequently that morning. Even if the radio network had been reliable, it was not linked to the police system. The police and fire commanders guiding the rescue efforts did not talk to one another during the entirety of the crisis. Cut off from critical information, at least 121 firefighters, most in striking distance of safety, died when the north tower fell, an analysis by The New York Times has found.
Six years later, Rudy Giuliani is criss-crossing this country and even making fund raising forays into Europe, in his quest to further exploit 9/11, in his bid to become President of the United States. Not a day goes by, not an appearance goes by and not a carefully well planned out ad-lib goes by where Giuliani is not referencing the national tragedy of 9/11 as HIS personal triumph. It's despicable enough that America's Mayor, as he refers to himself, has altered his views on abortion and gun control 180 degrees, but has the utter gall to proclaim himself the only man in America capable of protecting America in every stump speech. Everything Giuliani does is done to benefit himself. Ask his first two wives who they plan to vote for. I assure you both would love to hang Rudy by his chads. He deserted his two children for the sake of his third wife.. His son won't discuss his father beyond the fact they don't talk, but his daughter speaks volumes by actively working on the Barack Obama campaign.
Hopefully for the sake of humanity, Rudy's exploitation of the victims of 9/11 reached its zenith Wednesday night in Palo Alto, California. Rudy's supporters will enjoy a $9.11 per plate dinner. You read that right, Giuliani has sunk so far into the abyss, that he's now charging supporters $9.11 to eat a plate of food. Of course Giuliani takes no responsibility for this shameless act. Maria Comella, a spokeswoman for the campaign, said that it was “unfortunate.” Forgetting a neighbor's birthday is unfortunate, raising money by way of raping the memory of the innocent dead and their still grieving families, is the new standard for moral decay. The spokesperson then went on to lay the blame squarely on volunteers who acted "independently of and without the knowledge of the campaign", she said in a statement. “Their decision to ask individuals for that amount was an unfortunate choice.” I can only assume Giuliani was too hungry to pass up a $9.11 bargain for a delicious dinner to notice. Politics is often tasteless, classless, shameless and without an ounce of virtue. But, when you're willing to sell your last shred of humanity for $9.11, your very soul no longer exists. It has been tragically interred deep beneath GROUND ZERO with the remains of the true heroes of 9/11.......
When America went to bed on Monday night, September 10, 2001, the thrice married, 57 year old Giuliani was basically little more than New York City's lame duck mayor. That would all change in a matter of hours. Two American Airline planes would soon slam into each of the World Trade Center Towers and life as we knew it in the United States would be forever altered. As the towers were ablaze in flame along with smoke and debris filling the air and ground, Mayor Rudy Giuliani was on the scene and to his credit, was providing some sense of calm leadership in the face of chaos. It was somewhat comforting to know that not everybody in a leadership position was cowering in a Nebraska hole on September 11th. Giuliani was regarded as a hero but in the coming days, we would be reminded that first impressions were not always lasting impressions.
In the days, weeks and months following the attacks that would leave nearly 3,000 innocent people dead, news slowly began seeping out that would accurately transform myth into reality. As Giuliani was dominating the airwaves, showing up on a daily basis at as many as five funerals and multiple press conferences, certain irrefutable facts slowly began to emerge. In late September Mr. Giuliani summoned Mark Green, who was running in the Democratic primary for mayor of New York, to his command post. Mr. Giuliani, as Mr. Green recalled, was quite blunt when he stated he wanted to remain in office for an additional three months beyond his term expiration. Giuliani claimed he had a great team, he could lobby Washington. "I’m being reasonable", he cautioned; "my supporters want me to run for a new term". Apparently Giuliani forgot that where dictatorships may allow for rulers to make up their own laws as they go along, democracies tend to frown upon it.
Lest we forget, on February 26, 1993, The World Trade Center was the scene for a previous terrorist attack. A car bomb was detonated in an underground parking garage beneath Tower One. The plan called for the 1,500 pound bomb to knock that tower off its very foundation into Tower Two, causing both to collapse to the ground. The goal of the terrorists was to kill as many as 250,000 people. Fortuitously, that plan failed, but six people did die and over 1,000 people were injured as a result. The Islamic extremists were caught and vowed others would try to successfully accomplish this psychotic mission in the future. In spite of this chilling warning and attempts by city officials to move New York City's Emergency Command Center out of the World Trade Center to a safer location, Giuliani ignored all the pleas and kept the ECC right where it was. At his campaign appearances, Giuliani also neglects to mention that despite many pleas from the NYC Fire Department, he steadfastly refused to implement a system where police officers and firefighters would be able to communicate with each other via radio. At 10:07 AM on 9/11, police helicopters hovering above the north tower just moments after the south tower collapsed, radioed the inevitability of the north tower collapsing as well. Those clear warnings that were captured on police radio tapes, were transmitted 21 minutes before the building fell. Officials were able to relay those warnings to police officers, most of whom managed to escape. Yet most firefighters never heard those warnings, or earlier orders to get out. Their radio system failed frequently that morning. Even if the radio network had been reliable, it was not linked to the police system. The police and fire commanders guiding the rescue efforts did not talk to one another during the entirety of the crisis. Cut off from critical information, at least 121 firefighters, most in striking distance of safety, died when the north tower fell, an analysis by The New York Times has found.
Six years later, Rudy Giuliani is criss-crossing this country and even making fund raising forays into Europe, in his quest to further exploit 9/11, in his bid to become President of the United States. Not a day goes by, not an appearance goes by and not a carefully well planned out ad-lib goes by where Giuliani is not referencing the national tragedy of 9/11 as HIS personal triumph. It's despicable enough that America's Mayor, as he refers to himself, has altered his views on abortion and gun control 180 degrees, but has the utter gall to proclaim himself the only man in America capable of protecting America in every stump speech. Everything Giuliani does is done to benefit himself. Ask his first two wives who they plan to vote for. I assure you both would love to hang Rudy by his chads. He deserted his two children for the sake of his third wife.. His son won't discuss his father beyond the fact they don't talk, but his daughter speaks volumes by actively working on the Barack Obama campaign.
Hopefully for the sake of humanity, Rudy's exploitation of the victims of 9/11 reached its zenith Wednesday night in Palo Alto, California. Rudy's supporters will enjoy a $9.11 per plate dinner. You read that right, Giuliani has sunk so far into the abyss, that he's now charging supporters $9.11 to eat a plate of food. Of course Giuliani takes no responsibility for this shameless act. Maria Comella, a spokeswoman for the campaign, said that it was “unfortunate.” Forgetting a neighbor's birthday is unfortunate, raising money by way of raping the memory of the innocent dead and their still grieving families, is the new standard for moral decay. The spokesperson then went on to lay the blame squarely on volunteers who acted "independently of and without the knowledge of the campaign", she said in a statement. “Their decision to ask individuals for that amount was an unfortunate choice.” I can only assume Giuliani was too hungry to pass up a $9.11 bargain for a delicious dinner to notice. Politics is often tasteless, classless, shameless and without an ounce of virtue. But, when you're willing to sell your last shred of humanity for $9.11, your very soul no longer exists. It has been tragically interred deep beneath GROUND ZERO with the remains of the true heroes of 9/11.......
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