Welcome to Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of the all powerful, all merciful Mohammed. For you infidels among us, try to imagine a 19 year old female, any young unmarried female, sitting momentarily in an automobile wearing the latest in custom made designer fashion burqas with a dude. This 19 year old could be your sister, your daughter, your cousin, or even your friend and for attempting to retrieve a photo from a guy she considered her friend, she has just been kidnapped, driven to an isolated area, brutally gang raped by seven low life, pious, religious sons of Allah. What a violent, despicable heinous act this was. It doesn't get much worse than this. Wrong camel breath, this poor girl was just sentenced to six months in prison and ordered to receive 200 lashes with a whip for being raped and not being too happy about it.
What the hell did I just write? Did I write that this girl was gang raped by seven guys and, as a result, she is going to spend six months in prison as soon as the 200 lash whipping portion of her sentence has been fulfilled? Yeah, this isn't some evangelical wet dream, this is the law of the land in Saudi Arabia. The very same Saudi Arabia that produced 15 of the 19 terrorists that executed 9/11. The same Saudi Arabia that the Bush family has a hand holding relationship with. The same Saudi Arabia that financially supports the madras schools that teach innocent children to hate non-Muslims and provide them with valuable bomb making techniques. It seems the Shiite Muslim woman was convicted of violating Saudi Arabia's rigid Sharia Islamic law on segregation of the sexes. Did these people forget to to set their calendars to 2007 A.D. rather than B.C.?
The rape took place in 2006. The victim has said it occurred as she tried to retrieve her picture from a male high school student she used to know. While in a car with this student, two men comandered the vehicle and drove them to a secluded area. She said she was raped there by seven men, three of whom also attacked her friend. The rapists have all been caught and will receive up to 10 years in prison and a thousand lashes but because one of the rapists was married, the 19 year old victim was also guilty and convicted of having committed adultery. You would think this has to be a sick goof, but unbelievably it's not. The victim's lashes were actually increased from an original sentence of 90 hits to 200 because she had the nerve to complain. People in this country talk of building a security fence to keep illegal immigrants out. I think instead, we need to build a security fence around Saudi Arabia to keep those people in.
What can reasonable, intelligent people do to help end the hold over people's lives that religion has gripped? Instead of allowing religion to think for you, take responsibility and think about religion. These religions basically all began when people were convinced the world was flat, when natural disasters were caused by a supreme being's anger, when wars were fought because people lacked the communicative skills to negotiate, when basic understanding of other cultures was non-existent and when wealth and power were so restricted to a select few so that wars allowed the masses a diversion besides seething with anger when wondering why their lives were so bad off while their leaders were relieving themselves in golden, bejeweled bedpans. You know, pretty much like life remains in the USA today.
In its proper context, a little religion won't necessarily harm anybody. You want to wake up early on Saturday or Sunday and belt out a few tunes or listen to a pompous windbag pontificating on topics he neither understands or has personally experienced. You want a safe environment for your kids to be molested by priests in or you need a place to have a few pina coladas and play cash bingo on Las Vegas Night while being lectured on the evils of gambling and demon rum. Religion is your panacea. All I or anybody else who is willing to accept evolution as a scientific certainty asks, is that you keep it to yourself. Don't tell me your religion is the greatest. That often is code for somebody else's religion isn't. Don't kill people you don't know anything about except for the fact their religious beliefs don't jibe with yours. Don't not vote for Mitt Romney because he's a Mormon, don't vote for Mitt Romney because he's a moron. Do you really think Jesus, Mohammed or any other of these other god knuckleheads is going to resurrect himself and come back here? Of course not, would you? They're so embarrassed and mortified by the acts their disciples have performed in their name, they'd sooner go to hell. At least the inhabitants there don't claim the acts they committed were done in their favorite deity's name.......
What the hell did I just write? Did I write that this girl was gang raped by seven guys and, as a result, she is going to spend six months in prison as soon as the 200 lash whipping portion of her sentence has been fulfilled? Yeah, this isn't some evangelical wet dream, this is the law of the land in Saudi Arabia. The very same Saudi Arabia that produced 15 of the 19 terrorists that executed 9/11. The same Saudi Arabia that the Bush family has a hand holding relationship with. The same Saudi Arabia that financially supports the madras schools that teach innocent children to hate non-Muslims and provide them with valuable bomb making techniques. It seems the Shiite Muslim woman was convicted of violating Saudi Arabia's rigid Sharia Islamic law on segregation of the sexes. Did these people forget to to set their calendars to 2007 A.D. rather than B.C.?
The rape took place in 2006. The victim has said it occurred as she tried to retrieve her picture from a male high school student she used to know. While in a car with this student, two men comandered the vehicle and drove them to a secluded area. She said she was raped there by seven men, three of whom also attacked her friend. The rapists have all been caught and will receive up to 10 years in prison and a thousand lashes but because one of the rapists was married, the 19 year old victim was also guilty and convicted of having committed adultery. You would think this has to be a sick goof, but unbelievably it's not. The victim's lashes were actually increased from an original sentence of 90 hits to 200 because she had the nerve to complain. People in this country talk of building a security fence to keep illegal immigrants out. I think instead, we need to build a security fence around Saudi Arabia to keep those people in.
What can reasonable, intelligent people do to help end the hold over people's lives that religion has gripped? Instead of allowing religion to think for you, take responsibility and think about religion. These religions basically all began when people were convinced the world was flat, when natural disasters were caused by a supreme being's anger, when wars were fought because people lacked the communicative skills to negotiate, when basic understanding of other cultures was non-existent and when wealth and power were so restricted to a select few so that wars allowed the masses a diversion besides seething with anger when wondering why their lives were so bad off while their leaders were relieving themselves in golden, bejeweled bedpans. You know, pretty much like life remains in the USA today.
In its proper context, a little religion won't necessarily harm anybody. You want to wake up early on Saturday or Sunday and belt out a few tunes or listen to a pompous windbag pontificating on topics he neither understands or has personally experienced. You want a safe environment for your kids to be molested by priests in or you need a place to have a few pina coladas and play cash bingo on Las Vegas Night while being lectured on the evils of gambling and demon rum. Religion is your panacea. All I or anybody else who is willing to accept evolution as a scientific certainty asks, is that you keep it to yourself. Don't tell me your religion is the greatest. That often is code for somebody else's religion isn't. Don't kill people you don't know anything about except for the fact their religious beliefs don't jibe with yours. Don't not vote for Mitt Romney because he's a Mormon, don't vote for Mitt Romney because he's a moron. Do you really think Jesus, Mohammed or any other of these other god knuckleheads is going to resurrect himself and come back here? Of course not, would you? They're so embarrassed and mortified by the acts their disciples have performed in their name, they'd sooner go to hell. At least the inhabitants there don't claim the acts they committed were done in their favorite deity's name.......
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