Everybody has an opinion of Hillary Clinton. It seems half of those opinions are positive, half are negative. I will try to objectively analyze the polarizing effect she has on people. First off, I can honestly state I don't know Hillary Clinton personally. Therefore my opinion of her is just that, an opinion. I know people who know her as well as sharing an institution of higher learning with her, but neither of those two factors influence my perception of her as a human being. That's right, first and foremost, Hillary's status as a human being not a woman. I fully realize that despite women holding a numerical superiority over men, in many ways women are treated as a minority. I've been fortunate to have visited a few predominantly Muslim countries where summer time high temperatures routinely reach 110 to 120 degrees. Despite this repressive, albeit dry heat, women are forced to wear burqas whilst walking three steps behind men at all times. I feel bad for women like these, not Hillary Clinton.
This flap all got started at the democratic presidential debate in Philadelphia last Tuesday. Hillary is enjoying what many experts consider to be a near insurmountable lead in her party's nomination for next year's election. Hillary was asked to comment on a statement she gave to a New Hampshire newspaper by debate co-moderator Tim Russert regarding New York Governor Eliot Spitzer's plan to issue valid driver's licenses to people illegally residing in this country. Hillary announced previously in print and then verbally she did support the governor's plan. When it became obvious that her six rivals on stage did not share her views on this issue, she began to back away from her position and in responding to additional questions by Russert, appeared in fact to do a 180 degree altering of her initial position. For the first time since she announced her candidacy, Hillary appeared flustered and defensive when trying to defend her position for and in a matter of two minutes, opposition to this controversial subject.
In a previous post, I pointed this very fact out. I am not a supporter of Ms Clinton's bid for the presidency. This has NOTHING whatsoever to do with the fact she's a woman. I don't support any of the republican nominees and in fact have been quite critical of all of them. They are all caucasian men. Nobody to date has accused me of being discriminatory to white guys. To be honest, I'm not thrilled with any of the choices available for president in 2008. I don't support Barack Obama thus far, but that could possibly change. I can tell you for certain his color has nothing to do with whether I vote for him or not anymore than Hillary's sex does. We're seven years in to the worst president in the history of this country. White George W. Bush. I couldn't think any worse of him or his vice president if you gave me a million dollars, I would try my damndest however, if anyone feels motivated to whip out their checkbook right now.
Hillary made her sex an issue, not myself or anybody else. She made the calculated decision to run up to all female Wellesley College to garner sympathy and invoke men's shabby history of treating women as second class citizenry. This was done as any self serving politician of either sex or party affiliation would do it. She's a bright woman who knows her rivals were attacking her status as the front runner, not as the woman in the boy's club. I believe the only way any human can run for president is to have the most massive ego in the room. You're claiming to be the best choice possible to well over 100 million potential voters. There's nothing sexist about ego, arrogance and self serving behavior that allows a person to say and do anything imaginable to be anointed America's next monarch. I say this about anybody who thinks far more highly of themselves than any other person possible could.
Americans have a tendency to champion equal rights for everybody. After all, we feel so good and moral when we say it. Everybody regardless of sex, color, creed or country of origin like to spout equal justice under the law. We want to be judged on the content of our character, not the color of our skin. We want equal pay for men and women. We're all the shining beacons of freedom Lady Liberty herself welcomes to our shores. We say that a lot, don't we. I dare say life would be so much better if we only practiced what we preached. When push comes to shove however, we forget what great people we claim to be and revert back to the people we actually are. We don't want to compete fairly, we want that edge that gives us a distinct advantage over our competition.
Athletes don't take steroids because they're health fanatics, they're looking for that edge to win. Black people demand the same treatment as their white counterparts until affirmative action is offered, thereby giving them the edge that was denied them in the past. It doesn't matter if a more qualified white person may be denied admission to a medical or law school. They're just looking out for numero uno. Another example is when people with certain religions are selected over more qualified applicants for jobs, fraternal organizations and schools because certain quotas must be met to merit tax exemptions. Women too are part of this never ending competition. Have women been treated unfairly in the past and in the present? 100% yes they have. So does that give them the right to scream sexism when they come under scrutiny for the very thing they fought so hard to achieve. Americans want it all. Americans need to be a little less selfish and save a little something for the person they used to be.....
This flap all got started at the democratic presidential debate in Philadelphia last Tuesday. Hillary is enjoying what many experts consider to be a near insurmountable lead in her party's nomination for next year's election. Hillary was asked to comment on a statement she gave to a New Hampshire newspaper by debate co-moderator Tim Russert regarding New York Governor Eliot Spitzer's plan to issue valid driver's licenses to people illegally residing in this country. Hillary announced previously in print and then verbally she did support the governor's plan. When it became obvious that her six rivals on stage did not share her views on this issue, she began to back away from her position and in responding to additional questions by Russert, appeared in fact to do a 180 degree altering of her initial position. For the first time since she announced her candidacy, Hillary appeared flustered and defensive when trying to defend her position for and in a matter of two minutes, opposition to this controversial subject.
In a previous post, I pointed this very fact out. I am not a supporter of Ms Clinton's bid for the presidency. This has NOTHING whatsoever to do with the fact she's a woman. I don't support any of the republican nominees and in fact have been quite critical of all of them. They are all caucasian men. Nobody to date has accused me of being discriminatory to white guys. To be honest, I'm not thrilled with any of the choices available for president in 2008. I don't support Barack Obama thus far, but that could possibly change. I can tell you for certain his color has nothing to do with whether I vote for him or not anymore than Hillary's sex does. We're seven years in to the worst president in the history of this country. White George W. Bush. I couldn't think any worse of him or his vice president if you gave me a million dollars, I would try my damndest however, if anyone feels motivated to whip out their checkbook right now.
Hillary made her sex an issue, not myself or anybody else. She made the calculated decision to run up to all female Wellesley College to garner sympathy and invoke men's shabby history of treating women as second class citizenry. This was done as any self serving politician of either sex or party affiliation would do it. She's a bright woman who knows her rivals were attacking her status as the front runner, not as the woman in the boy's club. I believe the only way any human can run for president is to have the most massive ego in the room. You're claiming to be the best choice possible to well over 100 million potential voters. There's nothing sexist about ego, arrogance and self serving behavior that allows a person to say and do anything imaginable to be anointed America's next monarch. I say this about anybody who thinks far more highly of themselves than any other person possible could.
Americans have a tendency to champion equal rights for everybody. After all, we feel so good and moral when we say it. Everybody regardless of sex, color, creed or country of origin like to spout equal justice under the law. We want to be judged on the content of our character, not the color of our skin. We want equal pay for men and women. We're all the shining beacons of freedom Lady Liberty herself welcomes to our shores. We say that a lot, don't we. I dare say life would be so much better if we only practiced what we preached. When push comes to shove however, we forget what great people we claim to be and revert back to the people we actually are. We don't want to compete fairly, we want that edge that gives us a distinct advantage over our competition.
Athletes don't take steroids because they're health fanatics, they're looking for that edge to win. Black people demand the same treatment as their white counterparts until affirmative action is offered, thereby giving them the edge that was denied them in the past. It doesn't matter if a more qualified white person may be denied admission to a medical or law school. They're just looking out for numero uno. Another example is when people with certain religions are selected over more qualified applicants for jobs, fraternal organizations and schools because certain quotas must be met to merit tax exemptions. Women too are part of this never ending competition. Have women been treated unfairly in the past and in the present? 100% yes they have. So does that give them the right to scream sexism when they come under scrutiny for the very thing they fought so hard to achieve. Americans want it all. Americans need to be a little less selfish and save a little something for the person they used to be.....
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