Mitt Romney, Flip Flopper Extraordinaire, has once again done what he does best, say something that will require a massive public relations effort to repair.
On the issue of ABORTION, Mitt Romney has exhausted his credibility. No one has a clue what he believes or on what day he will believe it. When he ran for the Senate in Massachusetts against Ted Kennedy in 1994, Romney said that abortion should be “safe and legal in this country” and when he ran for governor of Massachusetts in 2002, he said.
"I believe women should have the right to make their own choice. I fully respect and will fully protect a woman's right to choose."
In 2007 now that Romney is a candidate for the GOP Presidential nomination, he has flip-flopped on abortion to appeal to the conservative right-wing base. Romney now claims that he has "evolved" and that "my political philosophy is pro-life." When asked during a GOP debate, “Would the day that Roe v. Wade is repealed be a good day for America”? Romney replied, “Absolutely”.Romney has flopped on GUN LAWS as well. In 2002, Romney signed into law what was described as one of the toughest gun control laws in the country regulating assault weapons. Now as a Presidential candidate, he has joined the National Rifle Association in the past year and says, "I support the Second Amendment. I purchased a gun when I was a young man. I've been a hunter pretty much all my life." Varmints everywhere beware.
On the GAY RIGHTS issue, Romney said back in 1994, "The Gay Community needs more support from the Republican Party,'' and in a letter written to the Log Cabin Gay Republicans, he looked forward to the day when gays and lesbians could serve "openly and honestly in our nation's military." That day will not come should he become president, he has said recently. Romney now thinks gays ought to stay in the closet. He has changed his mind.

Now the man who strongly supports both sides of every issue, when responding to Rachel Griffiths, 41, of Milan, Ill. who participated in the "Ask Mitt Anything" forum, asked Mitt why the Iraq War supporter's five sons were not currently serving their country in the military. The memory challenged candidate responded with the following:
"One of the ways my sons are showing support for our nation is helping me get elected because they think I'd be a great president."
Romney's five sons range in age from 37 to 26 and have worked as real estate developers, sports marketers and advertising executives. They are now actively campaigning for their father and have a "Five Brothers" blog on Romney's campaign Web site.
Romney noted that his middle son, 36-year-old Josh, was completing a recreational vehicle tour of all 99 Iowa counties on Wednesday and said, "I respect that and respect all those and the way they serve this great country."