President George W. Bush and his handlers decided the time was right for the Intellectual Vacuum-in-Chief to once again spin yarn at one of his propaganda filled session of lies and deceptions, also known as a press conference, on Tuesday morning at the White House. Iran remains a threat to the world despite new intelligence saying the country may not be building nuclear weapons, the president says. Mr Bush said the report released on Monday was a "warning signal" and his view that a nuclear Iran would be a danger "hasn't changed". Bush always prefers a self serving lie to contravene the truth when it serves his purpose. Bush has chosen to completely ignore the fact that his own National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) released a report on Monday showing convincing evidence Iran discontinued it's nuclear weapons program back in the fall of 2003 . The report is the combined efforts of the 16 US intelligence agencies, and thus represents the most authoritative assessment of the intelligence gathering in the United States.
That finding is in stark contrast to the comparable intelligence estimate of just two years ago, when U.S. intelligence agencies believed Tehran was determined to develop a nuclear weapons capability and was continuing its weapons development program. It is also stood in marked contrast to Bush's rhetoric on Iran. At his last news conference on Oct. 17th, for instance, he said that people "interested in avoiding World War III" should be working to prevent Iran from having the knowledge needed to make a nuclear weapon. Bush said Tuesday that he only learned of the new intelligence assessment last week. But he portrayed it as valuable ammunition against Tehran, not as a reason to lessen diplomatic pressure. Nobody disputes the fact that George W. Bush completely lacks intellectual curiosity but his claim that he just learned Iran disbanded its nuclear weapon program more than four years ago makes Bush seem like he's either the dumbest or most deceitful person or both on earth. I vote both.
This news should not be downplayed. Bush is such a dangerous psychopath, a comprehensive liar and a manipulative war criminal, that the congress should begin impeachment proceedings against him immediately. Bush has murdered nearly 4,000 innocent soldiers in Iraq. He was angling to attack Iran based on virtually the same lies. He turns Americans against each other by using the safety of the very troops he is killing as his props. I seriously question Bush's sanity and ability to serve out his term. How can any rational person believe a word that comes out his mouth? Look one pace behind him and there's Dick "Puppet Master" Cheney. Neither of them have an ounce of respect for the American people and yet we're supposed to respect them. I don't believe in telling people what they should believe or how they should act, but if you trust Bush, you're too STUPID to reason with.
To a lesser degree, but an indication of further evidence as to what a despicable, unfeeling human being Bush is, was his response to a question regarding the Saudi Arabian woman convicted of instigating her own gang rape. Bush was asked if he spoke to Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah. Mr. Bush told reporters that he would have been very emotional if his own daughter had endured such treatment. He said he would also have been angry at those who committed the crime and at a country that did not support the victim. I wonder why he isn't this emotional about other peoples' sons and daughters dying in Iraq. Bush claimed he didn't remember if he discussed the sentence with the King or not. I guess he lies so often, it's difficult to catalog and recall each and every one of them.
Who is George W. Bush? The fact he doesn't have a brain, the fact he doesn't have a heart and the fact he doesn't have any courage doesn't earn him a trip to meet the wizard. He's also a flightless monkey, a windbag and a wicked witch too. Sometimes I get legitimately fired up when I talk about George W Bush. I'm appalled a person like him can be the president of the United States. It bothers me he took office in 2000 and again in 2004. I think both victories were the end result of massive fraud and deceit but the democrats better learn to compete on this level or they will forever win silver medals in presidential elections. All too many people are obsessed with religion, abortion and who they wanna drink beers with. Maybe we should place more emphasis on intellect, trustworthiness and not drinking a beer with a reckless alcoholic with DUI convictions. That's something Ill drink to.......
That finding is in stark contrast to the comparable intelligence estimate of just two years ago, when U.S. intelligence agencies believed Tehran was determined to develop a nuclear weapons capability and was continuing its weapons development program. It is also stood in marked contrast to Bush's rhetoric on Iran. At his last news conference on Oct. 17th, for instance, he said that people "interested in avoiding World War III" should be working to prevent Iran from having the knowledge needed to make a nuclear weapon. Bush said Tuesday that he only learned of the new intelligence assessment last week. But he portrayed it as valuable ammunition against Tehran, not as a reason to lessen diplomatic pressure. Nobody disputes the fact that George W. Bush completely lacks intellectual curiosity but his claim that he just learned Iran disbanded its nuclear weapon program more than four years ago makes Bush seem like he's either the dumbest or most deceitful person or both on earth. I vote both.
This news should not be downplayed. Bush is such a dangerous psychopath, a comprehensive liar and a manipulative war criminal, that the congress should begin impeachment proceedings against him immediately. Bush has murdered nearly 4,000 innocent soldiers in Iraq. He was angling to attack Iran based on virtually the same lies. He turns Americans against each other by using the safety of the very troops he is killing as his props. I seriously question Bush's sanity and ability to serve out his term. How can any rational person believe a word that comes out his mouth? Look one pace behind him and there's Dick "Puppet Master" Cheney. Neither of them have an ounce of respect for the American people and yet we're supposed to respect them. I don't believe in telling people what they should believe or how they should act, but if you trust Bush, you're too STUPID to reason with.
To a lesser degree, but an indication of further evidence as to what a despicable, unfeeling human being Bush is, was his response to a question regarding the Saudi Arabian woman convicted of instigating her own gang rape. Bush was asked if he spoke to Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah. Mr. Bush told reporters that he would have been very emotional if his own daughter had endured such treatment. He said he would also have been angry at those who committed the crime and at a country that did not support the victim. I wonder why he isn't this emotional about other peoples' sons and daughters dying in Iraq. Bush claimed he didn't remember if he discussed the sentence with the King or not. I guess he lies so often, it's difficult to catalog and recall each and every one of them.
Who is George W. Bush? The fact he doesn't have a brain, the fact he doesn't have a heart and the fact he doesn't have any courage doesn't earn him a trip to meet the wizard. He's also a flightless monkey, a windbag and a wicked witch too. Sometimes I get legitimately fired up when I talk about George W Bush. I'm appalled a person like him can be the president of the United States. It bothers me he took office in 2000 and again in 2004. I think both victories were the end result of massive fraud and deceit but the democrats better learn to compete on this level or they will forever win silver medals in presidential elections. All too many people are obsessed with religion, abortion and who they wanna drink beers with. Maybe we should place more emphasis on intellect, trustworthiness and not drinking a beer with a reckless alcoholic with DUI convictions. That's something Ill drink to.......
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